"I fear nothing, for you are with me"

Monday 10 October 2011


Today, or this weekend, was Thanksgiving weekend! This is honestly one of my favourite holidays, with Christmas as the only exception. Each year it seems the day is very different from every year before. For example, this year we had "the dinner" at my aunt and uncles where they don't serve the traditional goods. Instead we had a torte (filled with potatoes and different meats), chicken wings, 3 salads (strawberry spinach, brocolli and a marinated veggie salad) and ham. This was a bit of a let down for sure not that it wasn't good food. Food in general is good, : ) Before dinner, my family (me, my cousin, brother and sister) each picked up a pumpkin to carve. This event always brings back the traditional feel. It was an awesome time, a lot of laughing and silliness took place. While I have said that my blog is mostly for photos, I just decided to give you a little insight to the Canadian Thanksgiving traditions!
Every year, I kind of sit down and think of what I am thankful for and every year my realizations are much the same. God has blessed all of us with so much. He is my constant guide and support. He gives me reason to live. He provides me with everyday I have and has promised to be with my the rest of my days.
This weekend has been uplifting and relaxing and fortunately I am able to post a few photos from the pumpkin carving and here they are!
I hope your thanksgiving was as inspiring as mine was!

Hello out there!

Hey, I'm Megh and this is my new blog! I am just trying this whole thing out but am hoping to use it mostly for my photography. I don't often blog or even write in a journal, so this is all new to me!

Here is a little bit about me! I am tall, blonde and blue eyed (as you can see in my photo). I am a Christian and live each day for the one who gives me each day. I am interested in music, photography and feathers (haha, very specific). I have 3 piercings (1 in each ear and a nose piercing) and am dying to get a lip piercing! I am in my first year of university and am thinking of going into nursing.

My goal for Psalm23 is to grow in my knowledge and love for photography!